Good mental health is vitally important to everyone at Reborn Legal Services which is why we have launched several initiatives to fully support our staff.

Hybrid working

This is here to stay. We take a pragmatic and flexible approach and try to facilitate staff needs. Many staff are based in the office for a few days a week while working from home the rest of the time.

Mental health champions

Staff have been invited to take part in webinars and courses to update them about how to improve mental health.

Benefiting from a Mental Health First Aid course we now have Mental Health champions in every office, with a total of 16 across the company. They have been trained to recognise symptoms in colleagues who may suffer from stress or other issues. They do not provide counselling, but act as signpost as to where to get help.

We were also keen to inform our staff about the menopause and the implications it can have for the workplace. We have run a number of courses on this important issue which staff of all ages and genders have found to be extremely beneficial.

We encourage staff to take up sport and exercise to support their physical and mental health. Reborn Legal Services has a flexible approach, and staff can take the time they need to improve their fitness and wellbeing.

Reborn Legal Services social

The recent pandemic curtailed many our usual activities, but when we are free of government restrictions we enjoy a get together away from work and we regularly organise social events, quizzes and parties. Sometimes, this can be through fundraising for the Charitable Trust which is fun to get involved with and is a cause close to all our hearts. Now that really has the feel-good factor.

Meet our leadership team

Reborn Legal Services is very proud of its heritage which stretches back for more than 300 years, but with a new management team in place the company now has the future firmly in mind, with plans for sustainable growth and expansion.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We recognise that we have a commitment to minimise the impact the business has on the environment. This commitment involves our understanding of the responsibility for the resources we use and the waste we produce. Wherever, possible we incorporate energy efficiency and recycling practices across our business.